Thursday 11 November 2010

Cinematography proposal

I will investigate the style of Film Noir through lighting and image composition. I will study the various forms of low-key lighting to create light and dark contrasts, dramatic shadows and highly stylised shots.

I will also evaluate how the use of camera angles in image composition will help explore the themes of film noir. I will particularly look at wide and close-up shots along with dramatic high of low angles and the use of canted shots.

Finally I will test the common cliché's of the genre including that of the Venetian blinds shadow and use of reflections, most commonly in mirrors.

I will see how I can combine all these areas to visualise the themes of disorientation, alienation and the essentially pessimistic tone of the film noir genre.

Films used for inspiration will range from those with a very strong noir look such as Double Indemnity and The Third Man, and those that use a less obvious style such as Sunset Blvd. I will also draw inspiration from modern film examples such as The Man Who Wasn't There and other genres the use noir styles such as Blade Runner.

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