Friday 3 December 2010


I will shoot on the Canon 550D as these camera have a great low depth of field that would help to create the lonely man visual look. They can also shoot in high definition.

Everything will be shot on a Tripod as my test videos showed it is vital to have smooth and steady images and especially on a subject matter like this I want my audience not to be distracted by a shake image.

I will try to use the natural lighting of the location (pool hall) as much as possible as it is less likely I will want to add light to a scene I want to look dark and dull. I will have a reflector board to help provide fill light if necessary. I also don't want the audience distracted by not being able to see what's happening.

I have decided my actor will provide a voice over for the film so I will record onto a Marantz PD670 recorder using a Rifle Microphone on a boom pole. This will allow a clear recording of the sound of my actor and not picking up much background noise with the directional microphone.

I have hired an actor called Martin Tomms who is from Birmingham so won't cost any extra travel expenses. He is also around the right age of an old guy living alone. His playing age is 50. He has lots of experience in open air theatre.

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