I will shoot on the Canon 550D as these camera have a great low depth of field that would help to create the lonely man visual look. They can also shoot in high definition.
Everything will be shot on a Tripod as my test videos showed it is vital to have smooth and steady images and especially on a subject matter like this I want my audience not to be distracted by a shake image.
I will try to use the natural lighting of the location (pool hall) as much as possible as it is less likely I will want to add light to a scene I want to look dark and dull. I will have a reflector board to help provide fill light if necessary. I also don't want the audience distracted by not being able to see what's happening.
I have decided my actor will provide a voice over for the film so I will record onto a Marantz PD670 recorder using a Rifle Microphone on a boom pole. This will allow a clear recording of the sound of my actor and not picking up much background noise with the directional microphone.
cool wonder how much you paid for the actor for such a short film?