Friday 3 December 2010

Test Footage 4

Comematography Test Footage 4 from Michael Barrett on Vimeo.

In this test footage I was testing shooting night-for-night. Normally films film day-for-night but film noir usually films their night scenes at night.

Most of the footage was shot at an ISO of 800 but looked far to dark on the camera. This proved not to be the case when viewed on the computer. The scenes of the garages are just scrapping the noise issue but are mostly fine for lighting although if I wanted to light a subject clearly then I would have to provide much more light. A silhouette however, would work nicely in that lighting.

Because the camera has difficultly in low lighting conditions I often felt the need to up the ISO to 1600 and while against the white walls inside the house seen in test footage 3 it didn't look to bad, outside the noise was very evident, especially on the row of houses.

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